Sunday, July 25, 2004

An extra little post for today: Last night at a party I met Walter Goggins, who stars on "The Shield", a cop drama I really enjoy. I was hanging with him and a bunch of others who discovered they were all from the South. So they were playfully poking fun of me, the lone Yankee in the group. I knew he had won an Oscar for a short film he had done, which was better to say than some mundane mentioning of being a fan of his show. He's a good guy; it was cool.

Meeting celebrities is neat, but it's not the thing I like about living in LA. I can go running in T-shirt and shorts anytime of the year. And in the summer -- like today -- when I get too hot sprinting along the beach, I can just jump in the ocean and ride a few waves. After I dried off and started jogging home, I looked out at the water and saw dolphins frolicking, not too far from where I had been swimming.


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