Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Small-but-good dilemma: My boss, who's very cool, offered as an alternative to the usual generous holiday gift certificate to Amazon, to get me TiVo. But I think I'll pass on that. I've managed to kick the couch potato habit, though I'm hardly a freedom fry -- I already spend too much time in front of another electronic box. And I could log on the computer, surf through the Amazon site, and get lotsa books and all my old '80s music (I had formerly on cassettes) on CD so I can "Rock the Casbah" and "Whip It" in my car. Or -- I could use the Amazon certificate toward finally buying a digital camera. But I don't know what kind I should get -- megapixels leave me megaperplexed. Of course, who needs a camera when I can just draw cartoons of everything...?


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